Terms of publishing scientific papers and research

Graduate College

    The researcher will write in Arabic and English on a separate page the title of the study, the name of the author (s), their full titles, and a short biography of them (name, qualification, degree, employer and their location, e-mail).
    The researcher shall be accompanied by a summary in both Arabic and English for his research with no more than 400 words each.
    When typing in Arabic, use Simplified Arabic. When writing in English, the TimesNewRoman is used as follows: Title: Size (18) in line and heavy, Author: 16 (average in line, Size (14), Text: Size (14), Side Headings: It should be short and clearly specified by the heavy landing.
    The shapes, maps and graphs are of high quality in both white and black colors while avoiding heavy shading.
    Tables and shapes are numbered separately for each, with a short title each written (top), and the source below.
    The size of the study ranges between (6000-3000) words printed on A4 paper using Microsoft Word, with a single space between the lines, aligning the lines from right and left and leaving broad margins.
    The Harvard method of documenting references is followed.
    All pages are numbered sequentially.
    The research results are as follows: (title page, summary, introduction, importance of research, research objectives, research methodology, results, discussion, and references).
    The rest of the other forms, such as (revisions, reports, articles, etc.), are arranged in a sequential and interrelated manner, according to the researcher.
    The research and articles published express the views of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the point of view of the journal or the institutions issued by the magazine is not obliged to publish all the research or review books, and does not commit to return them to their owners.
    The papers are submitted via the website only.
    For more information, please contact us at:
