Department of Physiology

Faculties News


By the end of this course the student should be able to:

1.    Describe the concept of homeostatic mechanisms.
2.    Discuss body composition particularly the distribution and composition of body fluids.
3.    ExplainStarling forces that govern capillary Fluid exchange.
4.    Describe the feedback mechanisms and identify the various components of a control system.
5.    Illustrate the functional organization and transport across cell membrane.   
6.    Describe the synaptic connection and Neuromuscular transmission.
7.    Discuss the resting membrane potential, nerve conduction, excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potential, summation of potentials and their ionic basis.
8.    Illustrate the molecular basis and mechanism of contraction of skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscles.
9.    Define Edema and explain the mechanism and causes of edema.
10.    Explain different types of dehydration.
11.    Enumerate the functional organization of the autonomic nervous system and its chemical transmitters, receptors, actions.   
12.    Discuss Horner's syndrome.

13.    Apply physiology Knowledge and skills to solve clinical or community health problems
14.    Integrate the facts and concepts of physiology in order to explain the rationale of management procedures.

15.    To be compassionate  
16.    To interact with colleagues and work within a group.
17.    To respect teachers and colleagues.