
  • Scientific Degree : Assistant Professor
  • College: Faculty of Mathematical Sciences & Statistics - Department: Statistics & Demography
  • Date of Appointment: 2015-08-02
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Current Job: (August2015todate):Assistant Professor,Director of

Alneelain Center  for Statistical & Demographic

Research&Studies.Alneelain University,Faculty of

Mathematical Sciences &Statistics

Teaching statistics  anddemography courses,besides other academic tasks

(supervsion of student sresearch projects and regular update of curriculum and syllabus)

Planning,supervising,monitoring and implementing and over

seeing the center programs(Research,Training,and Consultations).

Representing  theCenter at national and international events

,leveraging resources for theCenter.

Freelance Consultant 2011-2014

Data analysis using SPSS,particularly the national house holdhealth surveys data.

Drafting conceptnotes and proposals,writing,reviewing,and editing reports and news

letters  in English and Arabic and translate from Arabic into English and viseverse,

for relevant government  and non-government  organizations(national and

Research work with academic institutions,as well as for individuals and

own research papers for publishing

March 2010-December 2010:Senior Development Officer,Action

on Disability Development International-(ADDI)-

Head Section of  Development Program.Identification of potential

partners among NGOs and self-help groups.

Focal point for development of concept notes and proposals.Lead,organize

and facilitate training workshops.

Provide development support,advice and training to partners as required.

Liaisewith government,donors,UN agencies and other stake holders.

Leadmonitoring and production  ofrequired reports timely.Present ADD-Iin

relevanteventsand  meetings.Draft briefs about ADD work

and disability movement in Sudan to relevantmedia

July 2006–December 2008:Cordination/Outreach Officer,

United Nation Population Funds(UNFPA)/,Census Unit

Providing programmatic and operational support to the Census Support Unit.

Following up with stake holders and partners  onactions taken and

ensuring quality out  put of activities related to census.

Organizing meetings related to Population Census such as  the

Technical Working Group(TWG)and maintaining minutes  ofthe meetings.

Raising requisitions and creating purchase orders in ATLAS forcens  us payments.

Producing quarterly census news letter.

Finalizing format of census instruments,such as census

training manuals and training aidposters,translating
trainingaid posters from English into Arabic and follow up

the printing process abroad.

May 2000-February 2001:Administrative  Assistant for

Food Program Director-Adventist Development and
Relief Agency(ADRA)-Sudan-Khartoum.

Managing the office of Food Program Director(FPD),

managemeetings,workshops,petty cash,keeping the
filing system of different food program units,manage

dstationary, supplies,keeping and updating files of
relevant NGOs  and other Donors,GOS and other

partners in the FPD office,review of monthly,quarterly and
annual reports of different  FP Units,translate correspondence

from English into Arabic&Visa Versa.

August98-April2000:Assistant Transition Coordinator/

Transition Department,ADRA Sudan-Khartoum
Assistedinall activities of Food Department,particularly

transition activities,Liaison with relevant government
authorities,participated in Food Program meetings,

report writing,organized meetings with IDPs willing to go
back to South,facilitated relocation process,coordination

  of relocation work shops and surveys,participated
in screening of IDPs willing to go back home,participated

in development of the emergency preparedness plan
for flood mitigation and newlyarrivals IDPs in camps,

and assessment of preparatory situation of partner
NGOs in different IDPs camps for flood.

Nov97-July98:Team Leader in Nutrition Survey,

Over seeing the work of interview members and

carrying out the instructions of the Survey

Coordinator for the assessment of the malnutrition

among the displaced under five children living in

Khartoum State.Supervision of the gathering of 

benchmark data(anthropometric data)needed for

the more effective implementation of the Health

and Nutrition Project of the Food Program.

Tasksi ncluded but no tlimited to:weighing and

measuring of under-fivec hildren,filling the information

in questionnaires,recording information on socio-economic,
demographic,and environmental conditions of IDPs children

house holds inuestionnaires.Attendmeetings with Survey

Coordinatortor eview data and make necessary corrections

and providead vicetoteam members.

Aug97-Aug98:Collaborating Researcher at the

Economic&Social Research Institute
Working as apart time Researcher with the

Economic and Social Research Institute,

during my work with ADRA

April1996-January1997:Researcher at the National

Population Council(NPC)
Coordinating the survey of the“Impact of the Environmental

Deterioration on Population–Greater Kenana”,
conducted by NPC and Gezira Uuniversity,Population

Studies Center,the tasks included:preparationstagei.e.
budgetpreparation,logistics and training plans,designing

of PRA information &interview guidelines.
Implementation stage:training of interviewers,conduction

of the survey,supervision of 20 team members,
review of data by the end of every day,provided

advice and instructions to the team members,

data editing and analysis.Reporting stage

included:preparation of financial report and

the final PRA report. Coordinating variouse vents,
researches and studies of NPC.Review of NPC

technical reports and documents.

January 1990-December 1992:Research Assistant

at the National Population Council

Participating instudies and surveys conducted by 

the NPC targeting the displaced persons surrounding
Khartoum,in all stages including data collection,editing,

and data analysis,besides social and economic
studies in Hamadna  Allaarea(Sinnar),participated in

Inter-regional Training work shop on Disability Statistic in
Bangkok,Thailand(presented a paper on the Disabled inSudan).

Coordinating of various NPC events
(workshops,seminars,conferences,and meetings.etc.

Research Papers

1-Determinants of Poverty in Sudan. Presented at

the Conference organized jointly by theI nternational
Sociological Association(ISA)and National University

of Singapore(NUS)under the theme“Changing
Demography Changing Families,which took

place in Singapore,May17-19,2018.

2.Assessment of Sudan House hold Health Survey Data,2010.

Presented at the International Conferenceon
“The Spirit of Official Statistics”,which took place in UAE,

Abu Dhabi,ADNEC,6-8December,2016,organized
by the International Association for Official Statistics/

International Statistics Institute(IAOS)/ISI.

3.Sudan Experience in Conducting Population Censuses (Co-author).

Presented at the International Conferenceon“the Spirit of Official Statistics”,

took place in UAE,Abu Dhabi,ADNEC,6-8December,2016,
organized by the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)/ISI

4.The Prevalence of Early Child bearing and its Impacton

Maternal HealthinSudan".Presented at the International

Conference on Knowledge Sharing on Maternal and Girls’Health 

in Sudan.Ahfad University for Women,incoll aboration with UNFPA

and UKaid.Corinthia Hotel,20th-22ndOctober,2015,Khartoum.

5. “Chronic Malnutrition(Stunting)among Under-five Children

and Related Risk Factors in Sudan”is being drafted for

publishing purposes.

6.Prevalence and Differentials of Disability inSudan.

Presented at the 5th Graduate Studies Conference of
Alneelain University,Khartoum-Grand Holiday Villa,


7.People with Disabilities and the Elderlyin Sudan.

Presented,as part of the working Population Policy
Review papers for the Review of the National Population Policy.

8.The Determinants of Child Nutritional Status in Sudan,

presented at the Population and Development
Seminar,Cairo,published in the CDC25thAnnual

Seminar Monograph,1995.

9.The Impact of Breast-feeding and Environmental Factors

on Child Mortality in Sudan,presented at the Population and

Development Seminar,Cairo,published in the CDC 24th Annual

Seminar Monograph,1994.

10.Regional Variations in Child Health Carein Sudan,

presented at the Population and Development Seminar,

Cairo,published in the CDC 23rd Annual Seminar Monograph,1993.

11.The Disabled in Sudan presented at the Disability Statistics

Work shop organized by UNESCO-Bangkok,
- Participating in more than fifty events(seminars,work shops

and conferences),inside and outside Sudan.
- Attended many training programs in and out side the country

(program management,strategicplanning, qualitative research

methods,SPSS,AMOS,R,Eviews programs,disability statistics,

report writing,university teaching techniques,research methodology,etc)

Computer Skills

Microsof tword,excel,publisher,Power Point,and Statistical

Package for Social Sciences(SPSS),R,Eviews


Assistant Professor at AlNeelain University,

Faculty of Mathematical Sciences &Statistics with extended
experience in programs management&coordination

proposals,and reports writing with different NGOsandUN
agencies,research work with relevant government and

academic institutions.Initiative,ateam leader,workunder
pressure,with strong planning,managerial,organizational,

time management  andproblem solving skills,highly
motivated for promoting my career in anenabling new

work environment

 Research Interest:Maternal and childhealth,childmarriage,

poverty,disability,fertility,and assessment of survey


 April,2015 PhD  in Statistics.Sudan Academy of Sciences


March1996 Master of Philosophy(M.Phil) in Demography

Cairo Demographic Center(CDC),Egypt.

December,1994 Special Diploma in Population and


Cairo Demographic Center(CDC),Egypt

December,1993 General Diploma in Demography

Cairo Demographic Center(CDC),Egypt.

September,1987 B.SC in Economics,

Faculty of Economics and Social Studies University

of Khartoum



Data analysis using SPSS,particularly the national house

hold health surveys data.Drafting conceptnotes and
proposals,writing,reviewing,and editing reports and

news letters in English and Arabic and translate from
Arabic into English and viseverse,for relevant government

and non-government organizations(nationaland

Research work with academic institutions,as well as

for individuals and own research papers for publishing