Faculty of Arts

Faculties News

About College

Dean Message

The faculty of Arts is one of the first faculties that were established more than five decades ago. It consists of ten academic departments namely: Arabic Language, English Language, History Department, Geography Department, Department of Library and Information, Department of Psychology, Islamic Studies Department, Department of French Language, Department of Archaeology, and ‎Philosophy Department.‎ One of the key objectives of the Faculty of Arts is to maintain the Islamic Heritage and the language of the Holy Quran and Hadith. In addition, active participation in developing our country is one of the main objectives of the Faculty. Therefore, it has contributed greatly to community service and the development of this country. Our students and faculty members are our valuable assets as they work tirelessly to stand out and succeed.  We are proud of that because having such brilliant instructors and students is the cornerstone of building a distinguished faculty. In light of Al-Neelain University’s current vision, the Faculty aspires to boost the learning process, support academic research and establish national, regional and international partnerships so that the Faculty best serves our society, academic research and the learning process in Sudan. Should you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to receive your feedback.   Dean of the Faculty of Arts

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