Faculty of Physiotherapy

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The faculty of physiotherapy was established in 2005 and it is the pioneer of physiotherapy colleges in Sudanese universities and bride’s college in the University of Al Neelain by it is relatively short age and clear imprint in the field of physical therapy in Sudan. The college grants diplomas, bachelor and master degrees and we will witness a strange PhD doctoral degree to be the only college in Sudan that offers graduate degrees in physical therapy. The college includes five main departments: orthopedics and surgery, pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology, neurology and medicine, basic sciences and prosthetics and orthotics. Currently; enrolled to the faculty about more than 700 male and female students with plans to accept larger numbers of students in the coming period in order to guide the gap in the labor market in Sudan where physiotherapy is one of the rare specialties in Sudan and region. The college is complemented by distinguished elite of teachers, employees and auxiliary cadres united by a love of work and sense of belonging to the university and college, and works hard to overcome obstacles and provide a healthy university environment that helps in attainments.


Amira Adam Ahme...


Zeinab abass mo...




Ahmed Habeeb Al...


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