Department of Biochemistry

Faculties News


Section 1 (Chemistry):
By the end of this course the student is expected to:
1.    Know  the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, heme and nucleic acids
2.    Recall the mechanism of action of enzymes
3.    Know the different classes of Vitamins and diseases related to their deficiency  
4.    Memorize the different classes of minerals and diseases related to their deficiency 5-Know the daily nutritional requirements for all types of nutrition that essential for maintenance of health
5.    Know the mechanism of oxygen transport by hemoglobin and myoglobin
6.    List the biochemical techniques used in biochemistry labs

Section 2 (Metabolism).
By the end of this course the student is expected to:
1.    Recall the metabolic pathways involved in carbohydrates CHO metabolism and the diseases related to metabolic defects in the different pathways of CHO metabolism
2.    Know the metabolic pathways involved in lipid metabolism and diseases related to defects in the different metabolic pathways of lipid metabolism
3.    Discuss the different metabolic pathways of protein metabolism and clinical conditions related to defective metabolic pathways
4.    Explain the biochemical diseases related to defect in heme metabolism
5.    Discuss the integration of metabolism of the different metabolic pathways and their hormonal regulation
6.    Know the different metabolic pathways related to purine and pyrimidine metabolism and clinical conditions related to their defect
7.    Discuss the metabolic pathways of xenobiotics and clinical conditions related to their defect

Section 3 (Genetics):
By the end of this Semester the student is expected to:
1.    To describe the different phases of cell cycle
2.    To know the structure and nomenclature of chromosomes
3.    To know the process of DNA replication and enzymes involved in this process
4.    To describe the different phases of DNA transcription and post-transcriptional modifications
5.    To list the different protein factors and phases involved in translation and protein synthesis
6.    To describe the mechanisms of regulation of gene expression
7.    To know the different important molecular techniques in genetics and molecular biology
8.    To describe the molecular basis in immunogenetics
9.    To know the molecular basis of carcinogenesis

Section 4 (Molecular biology):
By the end of this course the student is expected to:
1.    To know the Mendalian and non-Mendalian patterns of inheritance
2.    To describe the autosomal and sex-linked disorders
3.    To recall the chromosomal basis of human diseases
4.    To know the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities
5.    To explain the indications of chromosomal analysis
6.    To describe genetic screening and diagnosis
7.    To define the genetic counseling
8.    To know the gene therapy
9.    To describe gene mapping